Sunday, July 10, 2011

Bridal Hair Do inspirations

Whenever I research about weddings, I always notice one thing, the bride is always stunning. Whether it's just a simple civil wedding ceremony or an extravagant one, the bride has this happy aura that makes a wedding really special. I have faith that our HMUA will deliver very well on our wedding day, but I wonder how he’ll be a fairy god mother to me :) So today, I decided to do a research about bridal hair-dos.

My hair has very fine strands so it looks limp. I wanted to have a volumize up-do look on my wedding day and I got these fine pegs below as inspirations :)

Nicole Hernandez
 Remember Carla Grasa?the pond's girl model? she's Nicole Hernandez in real life and these are her wedding  portrait pictures, she's such a site!:) 

Priscilla Meirelles
 Who doesn't know John Estrada's new apple of the eye? she's no other than Priscilla Meirelles.I love her hair-do, it's like a greasy-volume-up-wavy up-do, hehe whatever you call it,I really like it :) 

Anielle Santos
She's the coffeemate "ehem" girl that everybody loved. Like Nicole and Priscilla I'm also in awe when I saw her pics.

I wish I could look stunning like them too on my wedding day ^_^

Source: Metro Photo and Pat Dy 

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